I always find it difficult to find something to write about in a blog. I mean, who really wants to know my opinion on the anything? Who cares what my cat ate for breakfast? Who wants to know about the pair of shoes I found in a little shop in the souk? And if I'm asked to advise on writing, there are so many people out there who know much more than me, it doesn't seem right.
So this blog is about you, with maybe, the occasional blog from me. I'd like to publish your Adventures in Authorland.
I am sorting through some questions that I will pose via email to romance authors who might like to tell us of their travels to far off places. Whether they found a story there. I might even throw in one or two of my own. I've had a couple.
I'm sure readers will want to know what book/genre you really want to dabble in and why.
Or how about your adventure towards publication.
Life is one big adventure in which we're all travellers, so I'm sure you can come up with some of your own.
As for me, I'm still working through this blogging adventure. But if you will forgive some early goofs, of which I'm sure there will be some, and not make it too complicated for me, I'll be back next week.
Until then enjoy the adventure
Twitter: genie5